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What is the KIDZ BOP Workshop?

  • This 4.5 hour workshop is for 6-12 year old kids of all skill levels, who love to dance, sing, and perform.
  • Taught by official KIDZ BOP choreographers and vocal coaches, kids will learn dance moves from the KIDZ BOP live show and their latest music videos, and learn vocal techniques using popular KIDZ BOP songs.
  • KIDZ BOP Workshop will also focus on performance and auditioning skills, where kids will practice dancing in front of a camera.
  • At the end of the day, the young performers will have the opportunity to film a video showing off their best choreography alongside the KIDZ BOP Kids!

Who should attend this workshop?

  • Boys and girls age 6-12 who love to dance, sing and perform.
  • All skill levels of both dance and vocal training are welcome. Some dance training is a plus, but no prior vocal training is needed. All vocals will be completed as a group.
  • Kids who are interested in working commercially and want to gain performance, on-camera and auditioning skills.

What level of experience is required?

All levels of experience are welcome. While some dance training is a plus, this workshop focuses on performance techniques for all levels of young dancers, singers and performers.

Is there an age restriction?

6 years old is the youngest age that can attend the workshop. We have designed the workshop for 6-12 year olds due to the length of the workshop (4.5 hours) and the fact that the workshop is not currently split into age groups.

How long is the KIDZ BOP Workshop?

The workshop is 4.5 hours. Below is a typical KIDZ BOP Workshop schedule:

Warm-up / Choreography 1 hour
Free-Style / Performance 45 minutes
Vocal Performance 1 hour
Lunch 45 minutes
Audition Techniques / Mock Audition 1 hour
Filming & Dance Video With The KIDZ BOP Kids 45 minutes

Will there be breaks?

Yes! We will have short breaks between sessions and a 45 minute lunch break.

Will there be access to food and snacks? Will lunch be provided?

  • No, lunch will not be provided.
  • We advise you to pack a water bottle, snacks and lunch to make sure that your child has what they need.
  • The food options near each Workshop will be venue-specific. We will provide you with that information in the week prior to the event.

What skills will my child gain?

  • This workshop provides insight into performers in the music/dance industry.
  • We focus on performance and on-camera techniques related to both dance and vocals.
  • We have a mock audition for kids to learn some basic skills that will help them in any future audition.

What should my child wear to KIDZ BOP Workshop?

There will be a lot of dancing and movement in this workshop, so we want to make sure that the kids are comfortable and can move and dance.

  • Outfits such as leggings and t-shirts, shorts & tank tops are great. Dance wear is fine, but we please ask you to avoid crop tops or midriff baring outfits.
  • For footwear, tennis shoes / running shoes are suggested.
  • We love bright colors, but the most important thing is that kids feel comfortable in what they are wearing.
  • Because we will be filming videos in the workshop, we ask to please avoid large logos on clothing when possible.

Can we take pictures and videos?

  • Yes, you are welcome to take pictures and videos throughout the event.
  • A selection of images and video taken by the KIDZ BOP Workshop team will be made available to all participants after the event.
  • Please use #KIDZBOPWorkshop when posting on social media.

Can parents watch? Do they need to pay to observe?

  • Parents are always welcome to stay close by.
  • At this time, we will be inviting parents to watch some aspects of the workshop, as space allows.

Who are the teachers?

  • The teachers are LA-based choreographers and vocal coaches who are currently working with The KIDZ BOP Kids on their KIDZ BOP World Tour and music videos.

Have more questions? Please reach out to the KIDZ BOP team at [email protected]

Welche Art von Musik nimmt KIDZ BOP auf?
KIDZ BOP nimmt kinderfreundliche Versionen der größten Pop-Hits von heute auf.

Wie viele Alben bringt KIDZ BOP pro Jahr heraus?
KIDZ BOP veröffentlicht zwei Alben pro Jahr und monatlich neue Musik und Videos. KIDZ BOP 50 ist jetzt erhältlich!

Wer singt auf den KIDZ BOP-Alben?
Die KIDZ BOP Kids singen auf den KIDZ BOP Alben. Für elf Jahren wurden die KIDZ BOP Kids von der Zeitschrift Billboard als “#1 Kids’ Artist” in den USA bezeichnet!

Wer sind die KIDZ BOP Kids und wie besetzt KIDZ BOP die Gruppe?
KIDZ BOP veranstaltet einen landesweiten Casting-Aufruf, um eine neue Gruppe talentierter junger Künstler zu finden, die auf den KIDZ BOP-Alben singen, in TV-Werbespots und Musikvideos mitspielen und als Teil der KIDZ BOP Kids-Live-Tournee unterwegs sind. Tausende von Kindern aus dem ganzen Land bewerben sich jedes Jahr, um ein KIDZ BOP Kid zu werden. KIDZ BOP hatte die schwierige Aufgabe, eine Auswahl zu treffen. Um mehr über die KIDZ BOP Kids zu erfahren, besucht deren Profile.


KIDZ BOP glaubt, dass in jedem Kind ein Kleiner POP STAR steckt.

KIDZ BOP nimmt kinderfreundliche Versionen der größten Popmusik-Hits von heute auf, gesungen von Kids für Kids. Seit 2001 hat KIDZ BOP die Nr. 1 Musikmarke für Kinder geschaffen und weltweit mehr als 24 Millionen Alben und 11 Milliarden Streams verkauft. Familien haben KIDZ BOP in ihren Häusern und Autos willkommen geheißen und KIDZ BOP zu einem lustigen und sicheren Teil ihres täglichen Lebens gemacht. KIDZ BOP ist stolz darauf, ein Teil der “ersten” Musik für Kinder zu sein. Für Millionen von Kindern ist KIDZ BOP jedes Jahr ihre erste Begegnung mit Popmusik, und für Hunderttausende von Kindern ist die KIDZ BOP Live Tour ihr erstes Konzerterlebnis.